Fairy Tales 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Little Red Riding Hood


What is interesting about this video to me is that its as close to the version I grew up with that I can find, with kind doting parents and a girl that gets lost along the way because she literally stopped to “smell the flowers” and all her animal friends ran away when they saw the wife, narrated by a British deep-voiced older sounding man and a polite and somewhat dashing (in cartoon terms) wolf – an idyllic PG version I think more kids today are familiar with. I just thought it was interesting to compare it with the more gruesome original stories. I also thought it was interesting that when the wolf became “evil” he took off his hat and scarf, showing that it is unnatural for a human to possess these evil characteristics, only big bad wolf animals. And of course the woodcutter jumps through the door and faces down the wolf who saw the strong father figure and knew he could never handle fighting him, and the grandmother lives… happily ever after. No sexuality coming from the little girl, just good vs. evil and the strong manly father figure coming just in the nick of time to save the day.

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