Fairy Tales 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Splendidly Terrible


"Little Red Riding Hood Animation directors cut"

Spotty illustration, awful voice acting, brain-twisting music choices, and strangely endearing. It seems like something made in fifteen minutes (he made it for a college assignment so you never know). But the sloppy film making sort of mirrors the ridiculousness of the plot. A Warner Bros. version with its slick animation and cohesive storyline doesn't capture the spirit of the fairy tale. The fairy tale does not have a cohesive storyline. It's not "well written". In some ways I felt like this version recreated the fairy tale, loosely based on the Grim version, better than an animation that would be more professionally produced. The moment which fully captures this absurdity is when the wolf first appears to Little Red Riding Hood as she's walking down the path toward Grandmother's house. The wolf asks her where she is going, she answers, and then the wolf has nothing to say. What is there to say? It's an unfathomable moment. What's keeping him from eating her right there. Why isn't his interest entirely suspicious. I'm not necessarily arguing that this effect was entirely intentional. I'm just not ruling out the possibility of meta elements. If the animator looked like he gave a shit, I surely would have pursued his work further.

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